Action 00034

De Fab Labs Québec
Aller à :navigation, rechercher

Contexte de création :

Ouverture : 2016-04-20

Échéance : 2016-05-31

Responsable(s) :
Guillaume Coulombe

État de suivi :

 1 - À démarrer 

Nom de l'action

Publier la liste des Fab Labs Québecois sur la carte Transformap

Page(s) concernée(s)


Autres notes

Thanks for getting in touch!

So far there are two things that can be done (both can done or just one).

  • create a map with uMap. Here is some help:
  • Basically this will allow you to have your own map, with link, HTML code to embed, etc. You can easily import your list of FabLabs.
    • add data into OpenStreetMap through our fork of the iDEditor here:
    • You will have to register at OpenStreetMap to have an editor account. This quite easy. Doing this you will be able to add data to OSM (so it's visible beyond just TransforMap) and easily (with options proposed) give specific information regarding what needs are fulfilled by each initiative, what modes of interaction are used at each place, and add FabLab in the identity field. There is also an option to import data as a bulk. @species may provide support on this.